Monday, December 13, 2010

Down the rabbit hole....

I'll be out of touch on here at least through tomorrow.... that means no google reader to catch up on your blogs, not fun posts, and I won't tell you how bad my legs were screaming at me on Saturday after my bike ride with Cayla and Jason until Wednesday.... I know you can't wait to hear about THAT!

I'm immersing myself in my ARM-54 book until 3:00pm tomorrow when I have to take my test.

I'm shooting for a 70 - hopefully - if not I have to pay my company back the $500 they paid for me to take this class.  If I pass then I'm only two classes away from my professional designation of jealous.

Just to let you in on a secret - I haven't picked up the book in six weeks.  OOPS!

So - have a great night - I'm going back to computing the net present value of money, probabilities and cash flows.... seriously I'd rather poke my eye out with a dull knife.


  1. Thanks a bunch, Allison for the references! Very exciting and will definitely share pics!

  2. Thanks for the sweet comments today! Yes, you read right I am running again but no pressure for a race. I just want to enjoy doing something good for my body with no deadlines. But come spring I may be singing a different tune :+) Thanks again sweets hearing from you always makes my day hugs from H-Town!


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